How Much Attention Do Ragdolls Need? Here’s The Answer

Ragdoll cats are one of the most popular cat breeds in the world. When you were looking through various cat breeds for adoption, you might have come across the argument that Ragdoll cats need an unusual amount of affection. So, it is quite a fair question.

How much attention do Ragdoll cats need? What you have read or heard is true. Despite being a quiet, docile, and friendly cat, they require a substantial amount of care and attention. If you are not fulfilling that criteria, expect behavioral issues in your cat.

So, in this article, we will discuss all you need to know about this issue. We will begin with the amount of attention the cat needs and proceed towards reducing the need through various methods. But, in the end, remember that the need might still be quite a lot.

How much attention do ragdoll cats need?

A lot. There could be a discrepancy here- ragdoll cats are quiet and docile by nature, happy to be accommodating, and the opposite of combative.

It directly contradicts their higher-than-normal need for attention and the occasional bout of uncharacteristic chattering.

Be prepared to invest in spending more time with your ragdoll cat than you would have anticipated. A few minutes a day is no good- this is more along the lines of twenty to thirty minutes for playtime, in addition to more quality time with your cat in the evening.

First-time owners of cats, pay careful heed. Ragdoll cats are not your usual breed and are often equal to dogs because of their need for the human touch.

If you have adopted a kitten, make sure to pet them often and exhibit physical signs of affection. A characteristic specific to “raggies” that indicates the attention they crave is their inclination towards being carried around.

Often a surprise to people not acquainted with the behavioral patterns, ragdoll cats love to be picked up, even when they have grown out of their fledgling dependence.

They also have a gentle, calm disposition- a testimony to their willingness to partake in playtime without implementing their claws.

Also read:

  1. Do ragdoll cats need a companion

How many hours should I give to my ragdoll cat?

A subjective question with answers that tend to vary, the number of hours you give to your ragdoll cat depends on your work hours, the time you get back home, etc.

Ideally, one should invest in a good chunk of time, to begin with- say between 1- 2 hours a day at the very least.

Ragdolls are more dependent than most other cat breeds, and it is essential to let them know that you, as a cat parent, are around.

Chalk out how you wish to spend the time in question. The right attitude will inculcate in them the concept of cohabitation, and you can train them to be reasonably self-sufficient.

Raggies are intelligent, and you can teach them to play by themselves. An innovative attribute to encourage, I would say, for a bevy of different reasons.

In the context of our topic here, simply because this can help your cat be comfortable spending time with himself/herself. This cat breed also has advanced cognitive responses and copes quickly.

Playing fetch, climbing in and out of undulating playsets- these are skills they pick up quickly and can content themselves with for hours on end, without the need for human interference.

Why do ragdoll cats need so much attention?

Ragdoll cats are a curious mix. They do not demand constant upkeep and yet are known for their social, sometimes cloying nature.

It is sometimes reactionary, but more often than not is a consequence of being affectionate by nature.

There is no one reason, no particular cause as to why ragdoll cats need the amount of attention they do. It manifests in many little ways- following the parent around the house, waiting outside closed doors, a marked impatience when ignored, and rather scathing meows.

Raggies, especially when at a nascent stage of life, can be vociferous when demanding attention. Expect to scratch, biting and loud, relentless talking.

Remember to never give in to bad behavior- for that will only encourage your cat to try the same trick the next time they feel overlooked.

Try positive reinforcement, instead, to train your cat regarding the appropriate way to exhibit displeasure.

Additionally, all ragdoll cats grow out of their extreme dependence as they grow older.

It is only a matter of time before you notice a change in their attention needs- a positive change, that is.

They no longer require to be catered around the clock and safely left to their own devices for prolonged periods.

This transition does need to be aided by careful training. Consult a vet or pet specialist to thoroughly acquaint yourself with the training techniques before you try them out.


  1. Know some of the bad things about Ragdolls

What can I do to keep the attention low?

Now here is the crux of the matter- ways to manage the attention that is asked of you and optimize the time you need to devote to your cat.

The key to achieving the best results here is implementing stringent rules that encourage good behavior and not take breakage of said rules lightly.

The first step is, of course, prevention. Preventing deviant behavior is the far better alternative to remedying it, in my experience.

Offer attention before your cat has the opportunity to demand it. Be wary about giving in to your cat bullying you, for even a couple of times could give rise to an irreversible pattern.

Guard against petulance and, remember, enough food and water combined with great exercise can work absolute wonders.

Note: Exercise helps animals relax. It is essential in ragdoll cats, who are playful creatures and jump at the chance of play.

A couple of rounds around the living room shall not suffice- we are talking about a good hour of animated but not strenuous exercise. Nine chances out of ten, you will find your cat in an exponentially better mood after.

Distraction is another viable option. Distract your pet with fun toys, a cat tower with a view, and other items that engage them.

Food puzzle toys are also a good idea- and can help make the experience of eating more rewarding for the cat.

Make sure to start with easy ones, though, to ensure that your cat does not get frustrated in the process.

Getting a second cat is a method often opted for by several cat-owners. A second cat helps mitigate the need for constant company and can speed up developmental processes.

A vocal breed by nature, ragdoll cats, are often wont to display displeasure aggressively. Expect loud, angry meows, which might take several minutes to wane.

At this juncture( if one is to encounter it), it is crucial to recognize the value of saying “No.” Be gentle but assertive. Let your cat comprehend that you shall not give in, no matter how loud he or she plans on being.

Once they become aware that misbehavior shall not bring results, they shall be even-tempered once more.

Also read:

  1. Ways to know if your ragdoll is purebred


It is necessary to mention that there is no one explanation for the attention-needy habits of ragdoll cats, nor no single solution to dealing with the trait adequately.

Every cat is different and, although liable to have several similarities, are possessors of individual personalities.

Owners, too, have their differences- in terms of disposition, parental techniques, and disciplining habits.

Before you adopt a pet, remember to conduct thorough research. Prepare well, and customize your particular style of cat-parenting with time!