Flame Point Siamese Kitten : Everything You Need To Know

Cat lovers should be well acquainted with the Siamese Cats. The loving personality and distinct pointed colored coat make them stand out from the other cat breeds.

These cats have a temperature-dependent color pattern, which we call a pointed color pattern. However, the color of the points depends on the genetics of that particular cat.

Siamese cats are available in several color patterns like chocolate, seal, lilac, blue, etc. While some of the colors are well-known to most of the cat lovers, some are notably rare.

Flame point Siamese cats are one of the rarest color patterns in the Siamese cat community. It is a product of years of inbreeding of Siamese cats and orange tabby shorthair cats.

In this article, we will discuss everything that you need to know about flame point Siamese cats.

Red / Flame Point Siamese Kittens: Everything You Need To Know:

Flame point Siamese cats are one of the rarest of Siamese colored points.

There is a debate regarding the purity of this breed as well. In this section, we will cover several characteristics of this breed by answering a few questions.

But, Here is a table that describes the flame point Siamese kittens in a nutshell. 

Height15-20 inches
Weight10-15 pounds
PersonalityIts personality is cheerful, vocal, and friendly. It can be quite demanding as well.
FriendlinessExtremely amiable cat breed
Point ColorationRed or orange
Lifespan14-20 years
Family SuitabilityExtremely suitable for a family. They can be great, especially with kids.
Pet CompatibilityThey are great with other pets in the house.

What Do You Mean By Flame Point?

Flame Point is a unique type of pointed pattern with orange-colored patterns on the face, tails, nose, and ears.

This breed also has predominantly blue-colored eyes that make them even more beautiful. The body of flame point Siamese cats have a creamy-white coat.

Flame point is a crossbreed between a typical Siamese cat and a red or orange tabby American shorthair cat.

In the mid 20th century, some of the Siamese breeders started to breed this type of Siamese cats, and they gained popularity later on. But they are still one of the rarest of Siamese cats.

Do Flame Point And Red Point Mean The Same?

Yes, flame point and redpoint Siamese cats are the same. However, CFA or other cat associations do not consider the flame point to be an official Siamese color.

In the UK, two Siamese breeders engender this unique breed of redpoint siamese cats. If you compare these two types of Siamese cats’ pigments, you will not find any difference.

It has two different names in separate parts of the world. In the UK, this type of color pattern has the name of the flame point.

However, in the USA and Australia, people call them a redpoint. Flame point color is more popular on the Persian or Himalayan cat breeds.

However, the color of the flame point matches precisely with the redpoint. The golden color on the nose, legs, and ears is a standard feature for both flame and redpoints.

How Long Do Flame Point Siamese Cats Live?

Siamese cats’ lifespan depends on several factors, like eating habits, type of food, exercise, predisposed diseases, etc.

However, a healthy Siamese cat can live anywhere from 15 to 20 years. Flame point Siamese cats are also not an exception. If you are taking good care of the Siamese cat, you should expect them to live a long life. Here’s our complete guide on how long do they live and how to increase their life expectancy.

Do Flame Point Siamese Cats Need A Specific Diet?

Siamese cats should have a blanched diet with a high percentage of protein, a medium fat percentage, and a low amount of carbohydrates.

Protein supplies the essential amino acids that Siamese cats may require for healthy body functions. Fatty acids, such as Omega-3 and 6, are necessary for the Siamese cats’ healthy coat.

Carbohydrates should also be a part of a balanced diet. You can choose between dry cat food or wet cat food depending on the Siamese cat’s preference.

However, you have to make sure that the Siamese cat is receiving all the necessary nutrients. Flame point Siamese cats do not have a specific diet for themselves.

There are several cat foods specifically for the Siamese cats. You can also have a mixed diet of dry and wet cat food. However, make sure that the flame point Siamese cat drinks water as much as it needs.

Do Flame Point Siamese Cats Shed?

Although shedding is a natural process for all cats, the amount of shedding for Siamese cats is significantly less than other breeds.

As a result, the Siamese cats are suitable for people having allergies. A compound, which we call FelD1, is responsible for the allergy-related problems in cats.

This protein gets airborne due to the shedding of cats. As Siamese cats do not shed at an alarming rate, the allergen doesn’t affect the others.

However, Siamese cats go through a seasonal shedding cycle. Siamese cats start to shed more before summer. Flame point Siamese cats also go through a similar shedding cycle.

Are Flame Point Siamese Cats Rare?

Flame Point Siamese cats are one of the rarest forms of Siamese Cats in the world. When it comes to this type of Siamese Cats, you can get one of them from a breeder. It is one of the main reasons why Flame Point Siamese cats are so rare. Not many breeders breed these cats as the demand varies from place to place.

You may have to spend a considerable amount of time looking into various options. As the choice of breeder is a tricky part while purchasing a cat, you have to be extremely careful of the dishonest ones.

You cannot find one of these cats in shelters, as they must be completely purebred. The prices are also high because of the low availability of the cat breeds.

So, we can say that the Flame Point Siamese cats are rare. If you want one, be ready to have an extensive search and pay top dollars to get one of these amazing cats.

Are Flame Point Siamese Cats Mean?

Flame Point Siamese cats have a similar personality to any other Siamese cat. So, inherently they are friendly, affectionate, and amazing cats. However, you may have heard that Siamese cats can be quite mean in nature. It is said to be one of the meanest cat breeds in the world.

Although they are not inherently mean in nature, Siamese cats, in general, bond with only one of the members of the family. And this family member is most likely the primary caretaker of the cat.

As you are probably aware of the demanding nature of the Siamese cats, they can also be quite possessive of their person. If you are interacting with their “person,” they can retaliate aggressively. Other family members might not even get the chance to interact with a Siamese cat because of their selective nature.

This behavior is often said to be mean, and it puts them at the top of the meanest cat breeds in the world lists. As flame point Siamese cats are not so different from other Siamese cats, you might face the same situation with your cat.

What Is The Price Of A Flame Point Siamese Kitten?

As we have said previously, flame point, Siamese cats are quite hard to find. The scarcity of these cats in the market has put them on the high-priced cats’ lists. If you try to get hold of a flame point Siamese kitten, the price can range from $500 to $1400 for purebred cats.

However, the show-quality cats can be even higher than the said price tag. With a price tag of almost $2000, it can easily be one of the costliest cat breeds in the world.

The above price tags are based on the quality of a breeder too. While a less popular breeder might give you a flame point Siamese cat at as low as $500, it is best if you go for a reputable one. Feel free to ask questions regarding the cat breeds, as they take pride in their business, and it is completely natural for you to ask before investing such a huge amount.

If you are living in the United States or Australia, there is a higher chance that you would find Redpoint Siamese cats. Same breed, different name.

What Is The Temperament Of A Flame Point Siamese Cat?

A flame point Siamese cat won’t be different from a regular Siamese cat in terms of temperament. When it comes to the temperament of a Siamese cat, few characteristics stand out from most of the cat breeds. Those are as follows:

  1. They are a talkative bunch. You can even have full-blown conversations with them, and Siamese cats would respond to you just fine.
  2. Extremely affectionate.
  3. They are very loyal to the primary caretaker. Their loyalty towards other members of the family is questionable.
  4. Curiosity is high amongst Siamese cats. They test everything when it comes to their kingdom.
  5. You can play for hours with them as they are very playful.

These characteristics describe these cats well enough. Siamese cats are undoubtedly one of the best cats to have around.

Do Flame Point Siamese Cats Meow?

The question of asking whether a flame point Siamese cat meows or not is probably a big understatement. Siamese cats are, in fact, one of the most vocal cats in the world. So, no matter what, they will meow or make any other sound to communicate with you.

Some Siamese owners who have owned a Siamese cat without knowing enough about them were completely blown away by observing how much they talk.

If you are still not thrilled about this characteristic, talk to your Siamese cat right now. They will respond to your words quite actively.

How Do You Tell If Your Cat Is A Flame Point Siamese Cat?

There are three ways you can tell if your cat is a flame point Siamese cat. While two of these ways are, by comparison, the last resort could be DNA analysis. You can tell if your cat is a flame point Siamese cat in the following ways:

  1. Comparing Physical Traits
  2. Comparing Behavioral Traits
  3. DNA Testing

Physical traits might give you an idea of whether your cat is a Siamese cat or not. However, the point coloration should be red. Behavioral traits may not be the same, as behavior is mostly unpredictable.

However, DNA testing of the cat should give you the most satisfactory result.

Do Flame Point Siamese Cats Have A Bad Reputation?

Flame Point Siamese cats have no bad reputation in general. But because of their selective nature, and they only prefer one of the family members. Flame Point Siamese cats are no different.


By now, you should be comfortable with the characteristics of a flame point Siamese cat. They are also popular as red point Siamese cats in different parts of the world.

You will differentiate between a flame point Siamese cat and other types of Siamese cats very comfortably.

No matter what you call them, some cat owners often appraise them to be the most well-behaved type amongst Siamese cats.

Siamese cats need more attention than the other cat breeds. If you are attentive towards your flame point Siamese cats, you do not have to worry about its behavior.