Are Tabby Cats Hypoallergenic? Here’s The Answer

A wide variety of people adores tabby cats. For people with allergies, adopting a tabby cat is always concerning as they have to assess its effects on their health properly.

Some breeds of cats are hypoallergenic, while others are relatively safe for people prone to allergies.

It is essential to know how much allergen a cat produces before letting one into your home.

Are tabby cats hypoallergenic?

No, tabby cats are not hypoallergenic to people. Tabby is simply a coat pattern, and it does not determine the amount of allergen a cat produces in any way.

Since these cats do not belong to one specific breed, it is somewhat tricky to decide on the amount of Fel d1 in their saliva, which is usually responsible for allergies.

Some of the tabby cats have shallow levels of this molecule, making them safe for people with cat allergies.

However, some of these cats contain a moderate level of Fel d1 in their saliva, but they are never hypoallergenic.

It does not cause any more allergies than another domestic cat. Studies have also revealed that female tabby cats produce a lesser number of allergens than the male ones.

How much do tabby cats shed?

A tabby cat sheds as much as any regular domestic cat. Shedding in the cat depends on their breed as well.

A tabby sheds more hair during certain seasons like autumn and spring as they usually lose their undercoat around this time.

Some breeds of tabby cats like the Himalayan, Ocicat, British Longhair, Ragdolls, etc. shed more hair than others.

Cats with the multilayered fur coat and thicker coats shed a significant amount of hair throughout the year.

Long haired tabby cats usually shed more hair than the short-haired ones as their strands get tangled and break away easily.

Cats exposed to more sunlight and heat also shed more as they need to keep their bodies cool.

Why tabby cats are not hypoallergenic:

A cat that causes severe cat allergies among people showcases many evident symptoms. It usually contains many Fel d1 molecules in their saliva, transmitting to their bodies through licking.

The protein attaches itself to the dry skin flakes called dander, which then floats through the air to contact humans.

These molecules later come into contact with people inducing allergies in them.

Approximately 5 to 10% of the total world population suffers from cat allergies. Tabby cats are not hypoallergenic because:

  • Their saliva has a very low to moderate quantity of Fel d1 molecules, which is usually responsible for allergies.
  • These cats do not shed a considerable amount of fur, or their skin does dry up and flake much, which typically induce symptoms of allergies in human beings.
  • If you adopt a tabby cat into your home, there are significantly fewer chances that you would start to sneeze abruptly, cough, and feel out of breath near the cat
  • Your skin does not usually itch, swell, or has redness when a tabby cat is around

Tips to save yourself from being allergic to tabby cats

1. Keep the cat away from your bed

If you want to prevent getting allergies from your tabby cat, you need to stop allowing it to get up on your bed.

If the cat lies on your bed frequently, there are chances that it might leave behind fur, dander (dry flakes of skin), or saliva that often goes unnoticeable to the human eye.

If you sleep on the same bed that your tabby cat lies on, there are chances that it might trigger your allergies.

Although it might be hard for you to say no to your adorable pet, this step is crucial for your own well–being.

2. Bathe the cat

It is essential to clean the cat after specific intervals to help with your allergies. Bathing and grooming the cat will help you eliminate the fur it sheds and the flakes of skin.

Cat shampoos and other cat products will also ensure that your house remains free of fur for the next few days.

However, it would be best not to bathe the cat frequently as it might harm its health. You can use a damp microfiber towel to wipe the cat when you start to notice dander on its body.

3. Use an air purifier.

If you are susceptible to allergies, you could opt for an air purifier to help with your symptoms. Residues left behind by your tabby cat all around the house might be quite challenging to remove.

Therefore, you could install a cleaner with a HEPA filter to trap microscopic allergens and make the air inside the house cleaner.

It is advisable to establish such a purifier inside your bedroom to help with your allergies.

4. Cleaning

Cleaning the house is very important to avoid contracting allergies from your tabby cat. Regular dusting and vacuuming of the areas frequented by the cat are essential.

Proper vacuuming will be very helpful to get rid of the microscopic allergens from furniture as well as the floor.

Such a task might need a lot of time investment, as you will have to clean every corner of the house properly.

You could clean the house generally every day and consider thorough cleaning once a week to keep the allergies away.

You also need to keep yourself extremely clean to reduce the chances of allergies. Wash your hands with soap and water every time you pet the cat.

You also need to wash your clothes frequently as cat fur might be attached to it. You should not wear clothes that retain more hair and dander around the cat to prevent allergies.

5. Keep them away from the furniture.

It is vital to keep your tabby cat away from particular furniture like couches, bench, chairs, beds, etc. to avoid allergies.

They are sure to leave behind dander and fur on whatever they sit on.

If you share such sitting and sleeping spaces with your cat, there is a higher chance of allergies as you would frequently come into contact with the allergens.

You should train the cat from an early age to stay away from such furniture and only roam around in designated spaces.

You should also keep them away from carpets and rugs as the allergens have a higher tendency to get stuck on them.

A carpet can trap 100 times more dander than a hard floor. If possible, confine the tabby cat to hardwood and tiled floors as it becomes much easier to clean the area and keep the house free of allergies.

6. Wash your cat’s bedding regularly

It is essential to wash your tabby cat’s bedding from time to time to help with your cat allergies.

You need to wash them with warm water to eliminate all the germs as well as the allergens.

It would help if you also put up the bedding for your cat at a distance from your bed as it leaves most of the allergens there.

7. Use a Vapor steam

Vapor steam is beneficial in a house with lots of furniture, carpets, and rugs. It helps to get rid of the Fel d1 molecules present in the cat dander.

Such allergens might be stuck in your carpets and rugs and are quite difficult to remove otherwise.

Steam cleaners provide an organic and chemical-free solution to eliminate dust, mites, and allergens responsible for cat allergies.

8. Keep the house well ventilated.

Proper ventilation in the house is crucial to reduce allergies. A heavily insulated house has a concise scope of adequate airflow, which prevents the allergens from moving out of the house’s walls.

It is essential to keep the windows and ventilators open to allow fresh air to get inside, ultimately helping remove the allergens produced by the tabby cat.

9. Seek medical help

If you notice any allergies symptoms appearing on your body, you need to consult an allergy specialist as soon as possible.

It will help you detect the exact cause of the allergy through simple tests and help you find appropriate solutions for your allergy.

The allergy specialist will also be able to recommend the necessary medicines to help with your symptoms.

Cat allergy medicine usually includes antihistamines, decongestants, eye drop, inhalers, etc. although such medication cannot remove allergies as a whole, it can surely help with the associated symptoms.


If you take all the necessary precautions, you can quickly adopt a cat despite having cat allergies. However, you should consult with a doctor first and take their advice regarding the matter.

If you notice that your symptoms worsen when you are near your tabby cat, you should opt for what is best for you and your health.

If you are willing to keep a tabby cat even though you have cat allergies, you need to be prepared to make certain necessary adjustments to your lifestyle.